DevTeam.Space offers a comprehensive range of Python development services, including web development, data analysis, custom software development, automation, machine learning, mobile app development, and more. Our developers have helped clients build innovative and robust applications using popular Python frameworks and libraries.
The specific Python technologies you choose for your project will depend on your unique application requirements, such as features and non-functional requirements. If you need help in building a high-performance Python application, get a complimentary discovery call with one of our tech account managers by submitting your project request here.
Top Python Development Technologies
- Django
- NumPY
- Sci-Kit Learn
- TensorFlow
- PyTorch
- Keras
You can read below the benefits of some of the top Python development technologies, including frameworks and libraries.
Django Python Development
Django is a high-level web application framework. Key features of Django for web development are as follows:
- Django supports rapid application development via ready-to-use components for features like user authorization, data processing, etc.
- Django encourages maintainable code development via design principles like Don’t Repeat Yourself. It also enables developers to reuse their code components in several applications.
- Django offers an open-source framework to build scalable applications with variable user load and data processing requirements.
NumPy stands for numerical python and is a fundamental Python library for numerical and scientific computing.
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Key features of the NumPy library include the following:
- NumPy library allows developers to process multi-dimensional arrays. It provides ndarray data structure to efficiently operate on n-dimensional matrices.
- NumPy API is extensively used in data science and scientific Python libraries, including SciPy, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, etc.
- NumPy offers methods for several mathematical transformations, including linear algebra functions, trigonometric functions, Fourier transformation, etc.
SciKit-Learn is an open-source Python machine learning library. Some of the main SciKit-Learn features for Python development are as follows:
- Scikit-Learn supports development of several prominent machine learning algorithms, including classification, regression, clustering, etc.
- SciKit-Learn offers methods to simplify important tasks in machine learning model development, like dimensionality reduction, data preprocessing, etc.
- SciKit-Learn is based on common Python libraries like matplotlib, NumPy, etc., and provides simple tools for handle data sets for predictive data analytics.
TensorFlow is a widely used open-source machine learning framework developed by Google. It is popular for various AI use cases and supports a range of machine learning and deep learning tasks, from training deep neural networks to deploying machine learning models.
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Key features of TensorFlow are as follows:
- TensorFlow offers TensorFlow Hub with pre-built models to help developers get started with machine learning development. Developers can fine-tune and customize these models to suit specific requirements.
- TensorFlow supports a high-level Python library called Keras which helps with the implementation of deep neural networks.
- TensorFlow provides model visualization tools, like TensorBoard and Model Analysis that help developers visualize model graphs and track metrics for neural networks like accuracy, loss, etc.
The specific framework or library you choose for your Python development project will depend on your software requirements. If you need help choosing the right tech stack and developers for your project, get in touch with one of our Python-experienced account managers for a complimentary discovery call by submitting your project request via the button below.